… aber leider auch zur Weihnachtszeit gibt es Betrugsversuche. In meinem Postfach lag gestern ein Anschreiben des “Journal of Literature and Art Studies” von David Publishing. Man hat mich auf einen Vortrag angesprochen, den ich beim letzten Treffen der European Society of Japanese Studies gehalten habe und wollte meine Beiträge für das Journal gewinnen.
Ich war zunächst nur mißtrauisch, weil ich überhaupt angeschrieben wurde – immerhin kann ich mir noch nicht erlauben, Buchstaben vor meinen Namen zu setzen. Eine kurze Recherche ergab, daß dieses Journal nicht nur ca. 500 – 1000 Dollar für die Korrektur- und Satzarbeit von ihren Autoren verlangt, sondern auch gegen die Empfehlungen der (in der Regel ebenfalls auf das professionelle Erscheinungsbild des Journals hineingefallenen) Reviewers jeden veröffentlicht, der bereit ist, so viel Geld für eine Veröffentlichung zu bezahlen.
David Publishing versucht, durch optisch professionelles Auftreten und direkten Kontakt mit Wissenschaftlern, die auf Konferenzen gesprochen haben, glaubwürdig zu erscheinen. Dabei beschränken sie sich nicht auf Literatur- und Kunstwissenschaftler, sondern auch Akademiker zahlreicher andere Fachrichtungen. Es ist nur zu hoffen, daß junge Wissenschaftler nicht darauf hereinfallen. Kein zusätzlicher Absatz in der Liste der eigenen Veröffentlichungen kann die Peinlichkeit überdecken, in diesem Haus veröffentlicht worden zu sein. Zur besseren Auffindbarkeit in Suchmaschinen kopiere ich hier einmal die komplette E-Mail, die an mich gesendet wurde.
Call for Papers and Books
Dear Nora Bartels,
This is Journal of Literature and Art Studies (ISSN 2159-5836), a professional journal published across the United States by David Publishing Company, 16710 East Johnson Drive, City of Industry, CA 91745, USA.
We have learned your paper entitled All fun and games? Implications of Inoue Hisashi’s transtextual references to Edo gesaku literature from 1ST EAJS Japan Conference 2013.
We are very interested in your research field and would like to publish your full papers in our journal. If you have the idea of making our journal a vehicle for your research interests, please send the English version of your unpublished papers or books to us in MS word format via email attachment.
Currently, we are trying to invite some scholars who are willing to join our editorial board or be our reviewers. If you are interested in our journal, please send your CV to us.
Mily Young
Editorial Office
Journal of Literature and Art Studies (ISSN 2159-5836)
David Publishing Company
16710 East Johnson Drive, City of Industry, CA 91745, USA
Email: literature.art@davidpublishing.org, art.literature@yahoo.com
Tel: 1-323-984-7526; 1-323-410-1082 Fax: 1-323-984-7374; 1-323-908-0457
For more information log on: http://www.davidpublishing.org/journals_info.asp?jId=1587
Journal of Literature and Art Studies is an international, scholarly and peer-reviewed journal (print and online) published monthly by David Publishing Company, USA which was founded in 1998. The journal aims to publish the most innovative peer-reviewed articles from the discipline of Literature and Art Studies, as well as original thinking from elsewhere in the literature with an international dimension. The peer-reviewed content of the journal ranges widely across the whole of Literature and Art Studies and covers subjects and theories of interest to researchers around the world. Interdisciplinary and wide-ranging in scope, the journal provides a forum for discussion on the latest developments in the Literature and Art Studies. We are welcoming innovative and critical approaches. The journal is published in English. The e-journal provides free and open access to all of its content on our website. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed in hard copy.
The Journal of Literature and Art Studies has the following databases:
l Google Scholar
l Database of EBSCO, Massachusetts, USA (Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson))
l LLBA Database of CSA
l Universe Digital Library S/B, Proquest
l Proquest, USA
l Chinese Database of CEPS, American Federal Computer Library center (OCLC), USA
l Chinese Scientific Journals Database, VIP Corporation, Chongqing, P.R. China
l Ulrich’s Periodicals Direcory
l Summon Serials Solutions
Information for Authors
1. The manuscript should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal.
2. Manuscripts may be 3000-8000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. The title should be on page 1 and not exceed 15 words, and should be followed by an abstract of 100-200 words. 3-5 keywords or key phrases are required.
3. The manuscript should be in MS Word format, submitted as an email attachment to our email address.
4. Authors of the articles being accepted are required to sign the Transfer of Copyright Agreement form.
5. Author will receive 2 copies of the journal containing their articles.
6. It is not our policy to pay for authors. Instead, the authors should pay $50 per page in our format.
Peer Review Policy
Literature and Art Studies is a refereed journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
Editorial Procedures
All papers considered appropriate for this journal are reviewed anonymously by at least two outside reviewers. The review process usually takes two to three weeks. Papers are accepted for publication subject to no substantive, stylistic editing. The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the paper submitted. A copy of the edited paper along with the first proofs will be sent to the author for proofreading. They should be corrected and returned to the Editor within seven days. Once the final version of the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make further changes to the text.
Submission of Manuscript
All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be sent online or as an email attachment to:
art.literature@yahoo.com, literature.art@davidpublishing.org
Welcome to visit our website at: http://www.davidpublishing.org